

Full-time Faculty in IPPS

2023/01/16 Monday

Dr. Chung-Hsin, Yang

Assistant Professor, International Ph.D Program for Science (IPPS)

(Ph.D., Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

Ultra Fast Laser Lab

Research interest:

  1. Photochemistry and Reaction dynamics, Ultrafast Optics and Laser Spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry


Office: SC0010

TEL: +886-7-5252000 ext.3961

E-mail: chyang@mail.nsysu.edu.tw 



Dr. Anthony Bain

Assistant Professor, International Ph.D Program for Science (IPPS)

(Dual-degree Ph.D., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan & University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France)


Research interest:

  1. Phenology of the Ficus and its mutualistic pollinating wasps
  2. Population genetics of the fig trees
  3. Conservation of Ficus pedunculosa var. mearnsii
  4. Mutualism between ants and Ficus trees
  5. Community ecology and fighting behaviour of the nonpollinating fig wasps


TEL: +886-7-5252000 ext.3677

E-mail: anthonybain22@mail.nsysu.edu.tw